Spain's solar energy crisis: 62,000 people bankrupt after investing in solar panels • FRANCE 24

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[Music] huge solar panels in the middle of the countryside in cantabria the once thought he was close to realizing a dream sustaining a decent lifestyle while producing his own electricity this is my solar part it was supposed to be my source of energy but it's been the source of all my troubles in 2007 thessa spent 1 million euros on six solar panels at the time the socialist government encouraged citizens to invest in solar energy promising subsidies for investments and a supposedly guaranteed purchase price for the energy produced my investment was supposed to have been paid off in 15 years time after which i was supposed to start making profits i really thought it would be a good way to earn money to pay my son's studies if he wanted to study abroad but three years later the horizon darkened investors attracted to the long hours of sunshine in spain began to flock in the result electricity production capacity was nine times higher than predicted incapable of delivering the payment the government cut off the promised subsidies we got a message from the government telling us they were going to stop paying us but they were going to exclude us from the bonus system you can't imagine the prime minister of your country bankrupting your the solar project was the whole family's dream this photo shows dad with jose that was the very start the panels had only just been put up the family had pulled all their savings into the solar park when the subsidies were cut off they were no longer able to pay back their loan and even came close to losing the family home realizing that you could lose a 200 year old home overnight was very difficult the economic aspect of it was bad enough but the personal humiliation was worse if you get treated like a criminal that affects your health to obtain a solution cesar began demonstrating outside the spanish parliament six months ago every day from eight until two pm he stands here to demand justice hi there so the fight continues either they find us a solution or they'll have to carry me out of here in an ambulance i'm not moving i've got nothing to lose two years ago thessa thought he'd won after two hunger strikes and several sit-in protests the government of pedro sanchez promised to help but nothing has materialized the socialist party sent me a letter promising to help me and all the other families in the same situation is one of the most dramatic in spain but other families also feel cheated there is 62 000 in total and 5 000 belong these people also believed they were helping their country by pivoting to solar energy spain back then was under pressure to meet eu goals on the ecological transition in 2007 the government told citizens to invest but they haven't kept any of their promises except for paying us back for the installation a lack of planning bad calculations these families say the regulations were insufficient and the state improvised the government kept telling us keep going they could have said listen 100 investors is enough or let's stop here what we're asking for is compensation for the damage they caused us out of the 30 and 50 percent they cut we want at least 20 or 25 percent no socialist deputy agreed to talk to france 24 about the situation the conservatives who also cut back on the subsidies are tabling an amendment that could be a lifeline for these families the goal of this amendment is to allow the families who built those installations to receive the bonuses that they were promised an amount this deputy hopes to draw from the future national fund for durable electricity a new way of financing renewable energy we're proposing that this amendment modifies the law to allow small voltaic producers to be compensated through the money in this fund so far the date of the vote in parliament remains uncertain as does the result ...

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