How Much Energy Does a 100 Watt Solar Panel Produce?

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Here you can find Solar Panels and technological accessories related to Solar Energy: Click Here

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day one of seven of testing this 100 watt solar panel let's just go ahead and check its power output it's currently outputting 90 Watts 89 90 Watts I connected the panel at 12 am this morning and at the end of the week we're gonna see exactly how much energy It produced [Music] great weekend why there's going to days cloudy day and a rainy day and the temperature is going to range a lot [Music] [Music] actually I'm only going to show days where the weather is different so we're skipping ahead [Music] y'all I am shocked I just recorded the panel outputting more than 100 watts and when I looked at the sky this is what I saw that's crazy [Music] the weather changed today's that were supposed to be cloudy weren't so I'm actually gonna extend this test to 10 days in hopes of catching a couple cloudy days in there [Music] foreign and I just want to say before we get to the results that there are a lot of factors that affect how much energy a solar panel produces so your output will definitely vary from mine I tested my panel in April in Georgia side note I'd be curious to hear if you have a solar panel what kind of output are you seeing from it uh maybe leave a comment thank you it's over foreign for the numbers okay so the best day of production was actually the first day day one it was a perfectly sunny day it was clear all day and the temperatures were relatively cool the panel output a total of 590 Watt hours to put that into perspective an iPhone 14 has a 12.7 watt hour battery so the panel produced in one day enough energy to charge an iPhone 14 over 46 times that's pretty good and funny enough the worst day of production was the last day day 10. it was cloudy and rainy and dreary and overcast all day and the panel produced just 50 watt hours going back to the iPhone 14 that's enough to charge it just under four times okay so let's come back to this question that I posed in the title of this video how much energy does a 100 watt solar panel produce well the total amount that my panel produced over these 10 days was 4.31 kilowatt hours which works out to 431 Watt hours per day here's a screenshot of each day's output if you want to pause and take a quick look at that so based on these results given all the caveats that I had pretty good weather for most of the test I'm in a sunny location it's April I would say that a 100 watt solar panel will produce around 300 to 500 watt hours per day and to that already pretty wide range I'll add a big stinking asterisk because as we've seen output day-to-day can vary widely I mean in the 10 days that I tested my panel I saw as low as 50 watt hours and upwards of 600 watt hours hopefully it comes across but I put a lot of time and effort into these videos so subscribe if you liked this test and I'll see you in the next one ...

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