One Year With the Tesla Solar Roof | The $100,000 Experiment

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[Music] tesla did like that it was a very simple roofline you know the the more complex and ridges and different angles gets more complicated for solar tiles today we're in the mountains of northern georgia not the likeliest place you'd expect to find tesla solar roof tiles but if you've seen our videos with eric miller you'll know his passion for solar energy and evs and one thing i didn't realize is not every single one of those is a solar panel eric and his family own yonah mountain vineyards a few hours north of atlanta about 10 years ago he became one of the first in the world to own a model s and immediately after his interest carried into his business in around 2014 i said why don't we put some electric car charging stations in here it'll bring the tesla owners up here we could be put on a map in that time he added 14 high-powered tesla and ev charging stations a massive 106 kilowatt solar farm and about 12 months ago his vineyard became the first in the state to add tesla's latest solar roof tiles a 17 kilowatt system eric began the process in august 2020 and working with tesla the solar tiles were installed over a two-week period in july 2021. so the solar company and the roofers had to do it in coordination tesla actually sent one main guy from california to be the project manager because he had installed them in california and they flew him out here and he was here for the two weeks and they all kind of fit together like legos which i thought was fascinating they put down these rails at the beginning and then each one of them is about a two foot by four foot lego piece and they just they just click right in and they plug them up and then they put the next one in they just and they literally just push it in it sounds like legos they click in and they all go in series all the way like this all the way around and then the big question for this is how much did this cost so we got it before the huge price hike and it was like within weeks of the price hike right after that they almost doubled in cost because once i saw how cool they look i was like we should just put them everywhere here like look at all this roof space we have we just put more solar tiles on there and then they doubled and cost we're like never mind we'll wait it's fine the total project was including four power walls was a hundred thousand the 17 kilowatt solar tiles cost around sixty thousand dollars while the four power walls added another 40 grand after install the same project today would cost eric over 150 thousand dollars all this setup was from the pavilion so here are the wires coming in from the pavilion and they come in and here's the two pavilion inverters in its first year of operation the tiles are generating about 2 600 of electricity per year or 215 dollars a month the break-even point for solar tile investment is 22 years back in july 2019 tesla announced a goal to install a thousand solar roof tiles per week by year's end but between a pandemic a war and supply shortages the latest numbers from earlier this year showed tesla was completing about 23 solar roof installs per week in the only country that they install them in the us none of them had done it before right the roofers were like okay this should be how it works and once they had the tesla engineer fly out like he was like nope nope fix this and he was a pro like he came in and knew everything and every problem and every issue and everybody else was like what what are we doing here what is this stuff and like so they all learned on the fly while they were putting it up on here just last month tesla paused solar roof installs in virtually all markets likely because of low supplies of tiles at the same time they moved their team to focus on solar panels which just had its best month of panel installations ever they said one other person at the time that we installed had it in georgia and i have not heard since if other people got them in georgia on its website tesla is currently accepting solar roof orders though installation times vary between a few months to over a year depending on where you live now when people come up here do they even notice or does it just because it blends in so well if we don't point it out people don't know that's the funny thing people who care about it they ask about it and then they're all enamored there's also some unique quirks and features to tesla solar glass roof they sit about an inch above the roof decking and underlayment allowing for vents at the base and ridgeline so unlike a composite or ceramic roof it allows for airflow beneath the tiles keeping it cooler than you'd expect in the same space you'll also find where tesla routes the cables from the tiles to the inverters big thanks to birch living for sponsoring this video so sleep is a big deal in our household with three small kids so a while back we made the choice to find the best mattress that's not only good for our family but also good for the planet birch is a premium mattress in a box company that makes stylish and seriously the most comfortable mattresses and sleep products and they happen to be environmentally friendly we recently transitioned our youngest laken out of our crib into a real bed and i immediately knew i wanted to go with birch again because their mattresses are made with organic and natural materials that are always sustainably sourced and is made right here in the us i've personally had my birch mattress for a few months now and love everything about it it's noticeably more comfortable than our previous brand name mattress and i love that it's 100 non-toxic if you're nervous about buying something that you haven't tried first it's really not a big deal because birch gives you more than three months to make sure you love it and if you don't they'll just pick it up for you and you get a full refund plus it comes with a 25 year warranty the best part is that birch delivers your mattress right to your door for free in the us it comes rolled up in a box and it's super easy to set up yourself i love my birch mattress and i think you would too so if you're looking for a new bed check out birch you can click the link below or go to kim java for 400 off of mattress plus two free pillows all right let's get back to it so when it comes to durability tesla solar tiles outperform traditional roof tiles pretty much in every metric so they have a halo rating of an inch and three quarters in a wind rating of up to 166 miles per hour and these are both the highest in the industry in fact in its warranty documents tesla guarantees that the solar roof will prevent damage from wind and rain entering the home through its tiles for at least 25 years tesla also guarantees that the power outfit of these solar tiles will be at least 95 percent of the rated peak power after five years and will decline by no more than point five percent per year for the next 20 years of his warranty period my father and i like to do everything over the top and we're like can we get 150 off the grid and they're like no no no no it's not worth the squeeze right because the power companies will only buy back a limited amount so we did a video a few weeks ago about your house and you had the tesla farm there but this is the real deal right this is the big one this is the big one we put in four rows and it's a 106 kilowatt system so we have 360 panels and they all connect to the tasting room and winery having been in operations for over four years it is nearing the point where it would have paid for itself so the solar farm the 106 kilowatts that was about a 250 000 project maybe slightly less that's including the inverters including all the labor all the stuff said and done but at our current rate we've only got three years left for the savings to have covered that entire cost our old power bill just for the building and the winery uh was around six thousand to sixty five hundred every month and uh after we got the solar put in it's down to fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars every night so it's a pretty good chunk of change like in real savings right off the bat it was a to us a no-brainer i got a lot of flack from some of the staff members about oh it's going to ruin the beauty of the yonah mountain and our vineyards are right here i said no i think there's going to be a strong demographic of people who will appreciate seeing it right next to the grapes it's perfectly lined up and it's generating all the energy during the day that we need and so people are drinking solar powered wine the green is how much solar we are generating in real time and the red is how much we are burning from the grid so if the green is above the red we're 100 off the grid so right now we're only burning 38 kilowatts of power which is a lot and we are generating 77. so this is kind of fun because no one ever gets to see this actual process because it's so rare this will only last about eight to fifteen days let me pull this up to the real these are what the grapes look like while they are fermenting so you see all the little tiny bubbles in there that's the yeast converting sugar into alcohol and they give off co2 which are these little tiny bubbles so right now this wine is sitting on the skins and getting all these flavors and when this is done when it stops fermenting all these skins will drop to the bottom and it'll just look like juice oh that's expensive though yeah we're gonna get our money back in three years it's gone it's six years three years those panels will have paper how does it work you come up with the ideas you pitch into that dad pays for it i go along with it we're we're together on this the vineyard also features an electric forklift for a cleaner quieter operation and 95 of the property operates off of low power led lighting all the lights down here are completely led it fits hand in hand with colored lighting i want it to look beautiful we don't want a lot of heat yeah right because leds are cool burning ball and in the back you'll find 29 bee hives each producing as much as 40 pounds of honey per year you drink red wine and the lights turn red wow oh man you're not ready i'm very impressed i'm pretty impressed i could tell that she heard her she's hard of hearing she's seen a lot of cool things that's actually really cool alright guys that's it hope you enjoyed this video please make sure you drop a like and you're subscribed to our channel as that support goes a long way also check out our website it's for premium tesla inspired merch and we'll catch you next time i like this yeah it's good this is my favorite summer one it's called vienna and it's spelled funny people are like v-ognir it's a vlogger right it's basically the vlogger one of course i'd like it so we generated 10 megawatts we used 30 megawatts so we netted 20. and this is one of the hardest times of the year the summer is when we use the most power because the air conditioners work the hardest in the winter those things almost come right to that 50 mark sometimes 60 but right now constantly all these air conditioners are running the glycol machines are running because you can feel it it's about 65 degrees yeah so with a 106 kilowatt array they had to break it up into the different inverters right usually you look at you know one house a residential you just have the one inverter and it does the conversion so all you can see each one of these comes in with the three phase and these convert it down to the ac power so each one of these is a 33 000 watt inverter and then they all combine into the transformer which then connects to the entire building with usable power right because you have ac instead of dc here's what it looks like so right now we're generating 11.5 solar and we're using 16. it's our new fancy italian press eevee yes you know vanetta look at you looking for puns everywhere you go i can't help it i'm probably wearing the worst possible thing to come see bees it's like the biggest flower they've ever seen their favorite color with flowers on it i mean we're bringing out all the toys here today and the funny thing is i've never actually held one of these in person it's pretty cool it doesn't have any gas in it right now right [Music] you ...

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