Top 3 Most Efficient Solar Panels in 2024

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Q cells maxion or Rec who has the most efficient solar panels for your home in 2024 I'm going to be answering that question and teaching you all about solar module efficiency in today's video the smarter way to go solar all right now in today's video we're talking about the most efficient solar panels for your home in 2024 and I should emphasize these are for your home solar panels that are designed for residential rooftop installation which are the most efficient panels that you can get as we're now Midway into 2024 now when we talk about solar panel efficiency or solar module efficiency what we're talking about is what percentage of sunlight that hits the surface of the solar module is actually successfully captured and converted into usable electricity you see a vast majority of the sunlight that hits the solar panel surface uh actually is not converted to electricity a lot of it gets reflected away um some of it will actually pass through the solar cell pass through the solar module um some of it gets lost as heat in the conversion process so what we're talking about is of the amount of sunlight or of the amount of photons that hit the surface of the solar panel what percentage of that is actually converted into moving electrons I.E electricity electrical energy that can then be captured and used within the home now there are two other metrics that we want to look at as well when we talk about efficiency of solar panels the first is degradation rate and when we talk about degradation rate you know solar panels as they age they lose a little bit of their performance and so the degradation rate is the percentage of performance that is lost each year as the solar panels age now a standard solar panel is going to lose about half a percent of its performance per year uh a premium solar panel is going to lose closer to a quarter of a percent per year so that's sort of the range between a quarter of a percent and a half a percent and of course the lower that number the better because that means you're having less law which means the more total energy Harvest you'll have over the lifetime of your system and then the other Factor we have to look at is temperature coefficient and this is particularly important for those of you who live in very hot climates like Phoenix Las Vegas parts of California where you have extreme high temperatures on the rooftop what the temperature coefficient tells us is how much of the percentage of performance is lost due to having to operate at extreme temperatures and it's measured in a percentage per degre celsi or per degrees Kelvin above the ideal temperature so that's what we're going to be looking at today module efficiency degradation rate and temperature coefficient and with that let's get into the lineup all right coming in at number three is the new Rec Alpha pure RX 470 W solar panel now as you can see on the data sheet here the alpha pure rx470 has module efficiency of 22.6% uh and by the way anything over 22% I would consider a high efficiency solar module so at 22.6% the recc alpha pure RX is well within that range and I think what you're going to find is that recc has a good balance of high efficiency but still being a cost competitive product yes you're going to pay a premium to get an recc pure RX panel uh compared to a more mass production panel but the premium that you're going to pay is less than some of the other panels that we're going to show you on the lineup here now of course one of the things that also sets recc apart from standard solar panels is its 25-year prot trust warranty now just about all tier one solar panels come with a 25-year warranty but what Rec's warranty does is they guarantee the labor on your solar panels as well so let's say one of your solar panels is malfunctioning or it's underperforming and the contractor that did your original installation went out of business or for whatever reason they're they're not able to service the warranty and make repairs uh re will at their own expense hire another contractor to come out and replace the defective solar panel for you by the way in this last year we've had a lot of shakeup in the Solar industry including over a 100 Solar Company bankruptcies in the previous year so if you haven't seen our previous video on solar Market shakeup go back and watch our previous video where I explain a number of the factors leading to the high solar business failure rate so that you can hopefully avoid these problems and make sure you're getting set up with a reliable contractor now there's a couple other factors that the recc panel is known for and it's those two metrics that I mentioned earlier temperature coefficient and degr gradation rate now if you look at the data sheet here you'll see that the rec Alpha pure RX has one of the lowest degradation rates in the industry at only a quar of a percent per year and the panel is guaranteed to produce at least 92% of the initial rated power in year 25 which is the the terminal year of the warranty so again when you have a panel with a low degradation rate it means that the the losses due to aging are going to be lower which means you have more total energy harvested over the lifetime of the system and so again as you're calculating your potential return on investment you really want to look at what is total energy harvested over the lifetime of the system compared to the initial investment that you're considering making and then of course recc also scores very well in the area of temperature coefficient only losing 24% per degree C above the ideal temperature now again this is going to be especially important for those of you who are in extremely hot climates a solar panel with a low temperature coefficient is going to perform better for you in those extreme high heat conditions and again produce more usable energy over the lifetime of the system so this is the recc alpha pure RX 470 by the way if you're having solar panels installed on your home or if you recently had solar panels installed on your home go ahead and leave a comment down below let us know which brand and which model you went with and what your experience has been so far all right coming in at number two on the list is the Canadian Solar top high q6 4 70 wat panel now as you can see here on the data sheet this model panel uh provides 470 WS of power and module efficiency up to 23% so what that means is although it has the same power rating as the previous solar panel we just viewed it's able to achieve that power with a slightly smaller surface area a slightly smaller footprint and that's really what module efficiency comes down to is is how efficient is the solar panel at converting usable surface area to usable electricity and so those are typically the the cases where we look at getting a high efficiency panel or perhaps investing a little bit more uh cost in acquiring a higher efficiency panel is when we have to produce more power out of a limited roof space so as you can see here with the Canadian Solar top high q6 you've got higher module efficiency at 23% okay so the next is the degradation rate which you can see here degradation rate is guaranteed to lose no more than 1% performance in the first year and then no more than 4% per year after that now that's not as low as Rec's .25% per year so in the area of degradation rate I wouldn't say that this is really a top performing panel and then finally in terms of temperature coefficient you can see that the top high q6 loses 29% per degrees cels so you're losing 0.29% of your power output for each degree cus above the ideal temperature so again slightly lower than how Rec scored in the previous presentation but in terms of overall module efficiency the Canadian Solar top high q6 ranks number two on this year's lineup just a quick word from our sponsor Revolt if you're looking for an all-in-one pre-assembled solar and energy storage system then you need to take a look at the new Revolt home power plant the Revolt home power plant is a complete solar and Battery system incorporating an outdoor rated enclosure solar inverter battery storage climate control AC and DC disconnects and a full 200 100 amp AC load Center the system is pre-built and Factory integrated so you can keep on-site work to a minimum with Revolt you'll never have to build another battery shed so if you're serious about taking your solar and storage installations to the next level then you can visit the Revolt website where you can customize your system and place your first order right away and then finally coming in at number one is the maxion 7 445 wat solar panel as you can see on the data sheet here we've achieved module efficiency of over 24% um however they do use this black frame white back sheet esthetic which some homeowners don't like that look they they prefer a true all black black panel but in this video we're just looking at efficiency and so in terms of a residential solar panel that you're going to be able to get installed from a top tier installer uh from a tier one company with a with a 25 year or longer warranty the maxion 7 is at the top of this year's lineup now in terms of degradation rate maxion also has an exceptionally low degradation rate of only 0.25% per year so again the lower that degradation rate the less the panel is going to be affected by aging which means more total usable energy harvested over the lifetime of the system another area where maxion stands out is its 40-year warranty now most tier one solar panels come with a 25-year warranty maxion comes with a 40-year warranty and I believe they also guarantee labor and service on their warranty as well now of course the warranty is only as good as the company who issues it uh in the past sunpow and maxion when they they used to be one company then they went through some sort of like a bankruptcy restructuring now they're operating as two separate companies sun power doing sales and install maxion manufacturing the solar panels uh but as it exists today they are offering a very strong 40-year guarantee and in terms of temperature coefficient the maxion 7 boasts a very low 27% per Dees cels so it's not quite as low as the recc panel in this particular area but still overall a very low temperature coefficient which is going to help for those of you who are in areas with extreme high heat so this is the number one most efficient residential solar panel for 2024 however folks in most cases the solar panel efficiency is not necessarily the most important metric that you want to look at because often times when you you look at investing in some of these high efficiency solar panels the price premium you pay may be significantly higher than the additional energy yield that you're going to experience so for example it's it's not uncommon if you're getting quotes a quote for a maxion based solar system might be overall 15 to 20% higher cost than using more of a mainstream high production solar module but it may only yield you 5% more energy so you do have to consider what's what's really your main goal here is it to get the best dollar for dooll return on investment uh or do you just want to have the most efficient panels even if it means paying a disproportionate price premium uh by the way if you need some help talking through these issues if you're in the process of evaluating solar power or battery options for your home uh as always you can feel free to reach out to us on the link below set up a call with a solar expert or just use our free online quote tool to see how much solar and storage cost in your area now of course none of this really matters if you connect your solar panel to the wrong inverter system so if you haven't seen our previous video on how to choose the best solar inverter make sure you check that out because it's really the inverter system and the inverter platform that's going to have the most impact on Futures functionality reliability of the system and also how you monitor the system so you can see what's going on well that pretty much does it for today's presentation um as always if you're getting good value from the videos you watch on solar surge make sure you give us a thumbs up uh and go ahead and hit the Subscribe Button as well if you haven't done so already that way as we have new videos like this coming out it'll come up on your feed and you can stay up to date with us well I thank you all for spending some more time on the solar surge Channel as always I'm Joe Oria here encouraging you to get prepared and be empowered thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next video [Music] ...

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