Solar Generators vs Gas Generators: Which is the Ultimate Emergency Power Solution?

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Here you can find Solar Panels and technological accessories related to Solar Energy: Click Here

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beloved welcome back in today's video we're going to discuss the pros and cons of solar generators versus gas power generators for whole home and emergency power needs now I've lived off grid with both of these and there's pros and cons to both ultimately the goal or the question that we're answering here is which one am I going to go to to use for my off-grid cabin we're going to be putting up a 16x 24 log cab and we are considering going completely off grid that means either one of two ways either we're going to go traditional gas or we're going to go with solar or a solar generator option and I can tell you I'm going to go with the solar and the reasons why are these the gas is on demand it's always available but I cannot make gas once the gas is gone I cannot get anymore there's a lot of additional maintenance and the noise the noise is a big problem the noise draws a lot of attention to you if you are in a natural disaster or a man-made disaster and you have taken the steps to prepare yourself and your family to make sure that you are not in need there's going to be a lot more dudes that haven't done that and when they hear that generator running that is going to be like Mo to a flame and that is something that I do not want not to mention I don't want the hazard of it of the gasoline I don't want to listen to it and they're dangerous people die every year by running these things too close to air intakes and Inlet so that after having lived with it and lived off grid with it is not an option for me so I'm going to go with this and I'm going to build my system right now and show you how this works and why you might want to consider this for yourself the backbone of the system that we're building today is going to be centered around the ecoflow Delta Pro now this is going to give me the ability to have almost 10 KW of Power with a completely renewable Supply meaning solar power with no inputs from gasoline or anything else like that let's get with the starting components and then we'll build upon that and then we'll put it all together and I'll show you how it works it's plugged and play it's very simple let us start with our base component so this is how I would start now you may be saying well I don't have an off- grid place I don't have need for this I'll tell you beloved if you don't have a backup generator in these current times then you are derelict in your duties especially if you're a husband you need to have an alternative sub to it's unamerican it's unamerican to rely upon another man to provide all your needs there's some things you need to take control of in energy Independence even on a small scale like this is achievable and something that should be done so this system integrates well into your normal home this is not just an off-grid solution one thing that's changed in my philosophy my way of looking at things is I I am no longer doing dedicated um builds if I I I wish I could go back and I could have had access to this when I built my van I invested more than $6,000 in a standalone lithian system into my adventure van that um is stuck there it's not modular it's not really expandable I can't take it out I can't use use it in other places where this not only has the ability to power your house in an emergency but you can take it out with you you can use it in your Overland you can use it in your camper it's a silent solution that will recharge itself from solar it really is a no-brainer so if you want to have something that's going to integrate and tie into your house this is the starter kit that I would start with the ecoflow Delta Pro which is their big Flagship unit 3600 watts and it goes above a little bit more than that with the X boost but $3,600 is going to give you roughly these two units now this is an integrated uh smart home panel this is something that I've installed on every single home four homes I've installed these on all of mine and what it does is it gives you an interface so that you can put Power from your Eco flow directly into your house by simply plugging in a cord to your house and you have the ability to expand this for 240 now why is that important well your furnace or your well pump probably runs off 240 and that little Honda generator I showed you is not going to work you're going to be without water and maybe without heat but this gives you the option and you can choose essential circuits so a 20 20 amp 240 right here perhaps that goes to your well pump maybe one to your kitchen your refrigerator your freezer and maybe a bathroom so you can choose pick and choose circuits with this and this is something that you can install yourself pull a permit on it it's easy to do or at minimal cost you can have an electrician come and put it in it's very standard and very simple but this is where this is where I would start for the home unit to get the power we need from those large draw items as I said well pumps and such we're going to add a second Delta Pro that's going to give us a massive 7200 wats of backup emergency power now that we have a second Delta Pro that's going to unlock our ability to have the Dual switch plug right here now this is going to give us a massive 30 amp 240 Outlet right there that one we could power our house with through the panel I just showed you or directly into a appliances when I designed my lithium system for my van the learning curve was massive I made a huge investment in batteries and poers and parts I was terrified that I was going to hook up something wrong I had friends that grenaded thousands of dollars with a batteries because they hooked up things wrong this is all Plug and Play you don't have to have an electrical engineer degree to make it work right there done now we've got two 250 20 amp standard plugs and the massive 240 we could run furnaces well pumps and welders simply by plugging this one adapter in so where are we at with cost right now for this system right here we've got a standalone system that produces 240 that you could plug into it extension cords what have you with the home panel that's going to give you the ability to plug in and use your existing circuit so we're 3600 for the starting kit 36 46 56 66 so we're $6,600 as we sit right here now the final component that I would add to this and what I'll be adding to mine is the 400 W panel now you're not going to be locked down with panels that are going to be stuck in the ground this is something that is going to give you options options are everything in the future we move a lot things are in flux you don't really know where you're going to be in 3 or 4 years so to get yourself locked down into a system that you can't take with you that's not versatile is not the name of the game in the future it's all about versatility and having options 400 watts of solar that will go in here and charge these things over and over and over again with no inputs no cost is a tremendous capability it is a very exciting time to be alive with all these options and this technology to think right here 400 watts of power that folds up into a small suitcase like this this is a pretty robust system the Delta Pros you can actually put in four of these 1,600 watts of power directly into the unit that's going to charge it up quickly here's a nice touch standard solar connector so if you have an array this will plug directly in everything's included it's literally plug and play all these cables are included you don't have to go and hunt and figure stuff out in adapters this is the solar input right here and now we're producing power there are three ways to charge this there's also an AC adapter this will plug into your wall outlet this will charge in you know if you have enough power in under 3 hours you can completely charge a unit so from an AC unit and another really handy one if you are on the road and you're using this in your van or in your car or whatever you're going to plug this in here into your cigarette lighter and now your vehicle is actually charging it while you go now I'll show you how to put together or build out a complete off- grid system everything that you would need now this will work in RV Overland cabin tent or in your home let's start putting some Demand on the unit we'll start with our starlink what's incredible about this is now that we have starlink that technology in combination with an off-grid power system like this you're not tethered you're not Tethered to the power grid you can conduct your business you can do pretty much work indefinitely with the solar panels in this unit in any location let's do a quick recap what's going on here now the display is going to tell us exactly what's going on at a glance our input is 240 going out for the starlink the star link was requiring 3842 so we're actually putting in more than we're taking out let's talk about the app these are all of the the ecoflow devices that I own I've been using their products for a couple years now we use them daily on the homestead whenever something is on it will automatically light up and turn on and you can control it now you can see everything you need to see we've got our input we've got 270 Watts coming in that's what's filling up the battery we've got 107 out and you can even see where you can see that the 75 watts are being drawn by the starlink and the other Supply the batteries the radio 36 wats one of my favorite features right here and that I really like is to be able to control how much power uh you're charging with so right here this one little feature means a lot to me so you can re really utilize this you can put as much as 1,800 watts into this unit if you've got a nice big power plug and charge like I said in under three hours or if you've got a plug that's kind of anemic or you're renting you want to charge someplace it's got a small 15 amp circuit you can take as much as it will give uh and you have full control now you can also switch this back on to fast charge on the back and that will give you maximum charge without having to adjust it I guess the takeaway of this of the reasons why I think that this is a good system is number one it's Plug and Play No learning curve you can plug everything it's idiot proof you're ready to go it's affordable $3,600 gives you the home integration kit right here and a Delta Pro you're good to go you're not just stuck with something just for your home you can take it camping use it in the RV use it in the boat number three is is expandable this system can be expanded up to over 21 KW that's enough to run a tremendous uh load for a long time you could run a house for up to a week or so and really not even know a whole lot was different when you expand this with solar you could put 1,600 watts into it you've got the fast charging you've got the modularity uh very very nice not to mention also you know this is not just something that you buy and just put away for an emergency this is something that you could roll in and incorporate to your daily use you know a lot of areas now are charging exorbitant rates for power during Peak use you can set this up so that you could be utilizing this producing power from your solar panels and doing using free Power and using it during those high peak times um that in itself is very very useful so from the plug-and playay the ability to expand it uh to be able to integrate it into your home uh to use it remotely uh and just the quietness and the Simplicity of it it's just a win-win win and when I started considering what it was going to cost to be bring traditional power into the Log Cabin this made more and more sense to me so as it sits right here I've got 70 200 WS of Power with a 400 WT solar panel it is going to produce all the power that I want in here for lights uh for recharging tools uh for running my Internet it's just incredible even the 240 capability if I wanted to run a welder or some high draw items and then you could expand it from there as I said and just go on and on and on so a very very great product Shout out to ecoflow I've been very proud to be have them as a sponsor I've used their products going on a couple years now as I said we use them daily I believe in it it's what I choose it's what I use and uh I just I I can't recommend it enough a very good company and very good support you got 45 days uh if you don't like it you don't even have to give a reason uh they'll take it back plus if you ever need a repair free repairs they repair for free if you send it in there to them so a lot of good support you're seeing them in Sam's Club you're seeing them being sold in Home Depot the big on time the big big box retailers are have recognized it for what it is it is a a good company uh that stands behind their product and they're very and they're innovating and I just love to see it so this technology is very exciting and I'm glad to live in a time where I have access to it uh it just changes everything may God bless you and your families please keep us in your prayers and we'll see you all on the next [Music] video ...

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