The big business of solar energy in Spain | Focus on Europe

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Here you can find Solar Panels and technological accessories related to Solar Energy: Click Here

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foreign [Music] 's sunniest regions with his wife and horses but he is concerned because that same sun has attracted industry to tavernas and Ana Lucia a huge solar park has recently been built next to his estate or Finca we moved out of the city into the countryside and that they are building these solar arrays around us real industrial zones right next to her house and more are planned Spain wants to produce green energy from its abundant sunshine that's good for the climate but threatens Andrea's plans he wants to start a writing Therapy Center here it has to be a nice pleasant place for people to spend the day but if people don't want to come we'll have to give up on our projects please [Music] for others the solar cells represent economic growth after tourism collapsed during the covet pandemic mayor Jose Diaz is happy for every cent invested many have lost their jobs in these hard times now through these building projects some have been able to get back into the job market now Olive Groves are being clear-cut to make way for solar plants some Farmers have seized the opportunity to lease or sell their land to the energy companies has signed over some of his land because water is increasingly scarce and expensive irrigation no longer pays off nothing grows here without water so we're trying to get at least something out of our land more than 200 Spanish citizens initiatives are sounding the alarm and fighting the solar fields Luis polonio and others fear that Spain will become Europe's power supplier at the people's expense if huge solar fields are built here with other environmental and social impacts it will mainly provide economic growth and jobs elsewhere not here that's not fair Spain is being colonized and exploited there are other ways like 50 kilometers away in almofita the village has built a photovoltaic plant atop their small theater to produce their own electricity mayor Francisco gathia proudly explains the creation of an energy Community backed by an EU Regional Development Fund s everything we produce here stays in our community we don't want to sell our energy to the big companies we want affordable climate-friendly electricity for all our citizens the plant currently Powers 21 households with businesses and restaurants expected to come on board thank you but Luis polonio says Spain is focusing too much on large-scale projects the state is giving solar cell companies free reign instead of ensuring that they build on derelict industrial sites [Music] the same capacity can be achieved without destroying the environment but there's no planning solar arrays where trees once stood horse lover Angel eterovich still cannot understand it you can't destroy the environment in the name of Environmental Protection it makes no sense the rampant growth of the solar Fields defeats its purpose he hopes that future projects will be more environmentally friendly such as a nearby almosita so that green electricity is really green ...

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